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500 Women Scientists Fellowship for the Future

Support 500 Women Scientists’ Fellowship for the Future 

500 Women Scientists

Queens of Tech Podcast

Letter from Nicole Williams – Director of OUtreach

I am reaching out to ask for your support for a program and organization very close to my heart. I have been the Director of Outreach with 500 Women Scientists for the past year and 4 months and they do incredible work supporting women and gender-diverse folks in science, technology, engineering, mathematics, and medicine (STEMM). One program in particular that I want to share with you is their Fellowship for the Future initiative to support women of color leading community-based projects to increase diversity, equity, inclusion, and justice within STEMM. This program is also run by two amazing women of color (WOC) Paula Astudillo and Toni Mosley.


WOC face unique challenges in STEM and encounter racism, sexism, and the interactive effects of both. The Fellowship for the Future is trying to counter this landscape by uplifting and financially supporting at least five women of color every year for their leadership in opening science and making it accessible, inclusive, and equitable to their communities.


Since 2020 nine fellows are impacting the lives of many communities while fighting against racism, patriarchy, and other oppressions. Their initiatives range from working with local Indigenous communities to combating the effects of colonialism and pollution to podcasts discussing the long-lasting impact of genetics on our pasts and futures using an anti-racist lens. You can watch this video to hear directly from Toni and learn how this program has ripple effects across society.


But they need our help to run and grow sustainably. Will you join me in supporting them?


We hope to raise $10,000 by October 14th!


Your donation will help support more leaders in the form of training, workshops, financial resources, and networking opportunities to build sisterhood, camaraderie, collective resilience, and resistance as women of color.


Feel free to share this campaign on your social media and tell people how you support Women of Color in STEMM! Tag our social media accounts on IG, FB or Twitter (@500womensci) for a retweet or re-post. Also feel free to share within your own network!

500 Women Scientists Fellowship for the Future
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